Craig Thompson - K9CT

Craig Thompson K9CT.jpeg

Board Member

Craig’s personal biography:

Licensed since 1967 at age 14….and since 1971 an Extra Class Licensee.

Born 1952 - 68 years old Graduated from Bradley University 1974 BSEET plus graduate work in business and communications.


Contester and DXer. DXCC Honor Roll Mixed, CW and Phone, DX Challenge 2993, 9 Band DXCC, 5BWAZ, 11 Band WAS VUCC 6m to 23 cm and FFMA #12


DXpedition Team member of


TI9K - Cocos Island

K4M - Midway Island +

PJ7E - Sint Maarten **

NH8S - Swains Island ** +

3D2C - Conway Reef

K9W - Wake Island **

FT5ZM - Amsterdam Island +

K1N - Navassa Island +

K5P - January 2016 Palmyra Island

3Y0Z - Bouvet Island Jan/Feb 2018 Failed

VP6R - Pitcairn Island October 2019


     **     Co - leader of PJ7E, NH8S, K9W and K5P


+      4 DXpedition of the Year awards


I have built a Contest Super Station with 12 Towers from 160 to 1296 plus EME.  and enjoy working as a team in M/S and M/2 contests. We have won US in CQ WW, WPX and ARRL DX in all modes and set new records for W9 and broke the US record for a couple of contests.


I am the owner and president of Thompson Electronics Company, an electronics systems integrator company serving Illinois since 1980. Also, I am an active runner and have run 7 marathons.


I am married and have one daughter. We live in the country about 20 miles west of Peoria, IL. My contest station is on a small farm about 4 miles from my home.


Life member of the ARRL and a member of the Maxim Society, CWops, NIDXA and A1 Operator Club. I am a board member of the NCDXF and treasurer of CWops. I was the President of the Society of Midwest Contesters, SMC 2014 to 2019. I also serve on the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee and manage the Pacific Island DXpedition Group, a 501 (c)(3)  exempt private foundation.

Callsign:   K1DDN
Contact:   QRZ