Henry Feinberg - K2SSQ

Anchor Desk, Reporter

Henry Feinberg, K2SSQ, describes himself as an interpreter of science and technology for the public. Best known as the person who made it possible for E.T. to "phone home," he created E.T.'s Communicator for Steven Spielberg's classic film. Feinberg designed exhibits and science demonstrations for Walt Disney's Epcot Center, Universal Studios theme parks in Florida and Los Angeles, and AT&T's InfoQuest Center in New York City. A noted education and museum consultant, his work can be seen in science museums around the world. He recently retired as National Exhibitions Manager for AT&T. As a writer-director, Feinberg received eighteen international film awards for his documentaries, including two coveted "Golden Eagle" awards. Earlier in his career he worked closely with Don Herbert, TV's "Mr. Wizard," devising innovative ways to demonstrate "the magic and mystery of science in everyday living." At AT&T Bell Laboratories, he produced several films and live presentations to explain leading-edge technology to audiences throughout the country. An inventor, writer, photographer and avid amateur radio operator, Feinberg lives in West Orange, NJ with his wife Debbie, their daughter Shari, and son Michael.

Callsign K2SSQ

Warren Elly - W1GUD


Warren Elly, W1GUD is a native of New York, NY and was first licensed in Stamford , Connecticut in 1966 as a novice, WN1GUD. A year later Warren became a general WA1GUD, a call sign he held as an advanced until 1999, when he obtained the vanity call W1GUD. In February of 2000, Warren upgraded to Extra. Operating for the last 18 years from Tampa, Florida, Warren's interests include weak signal VHF work, digital modes on HF, and CW DX on the low bands. Warren also collects vintage radios, and has a collection of Collins equipment. A member of one of the ARRL's oldest affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs, the Tampa Amateur Radio Club, Warren is a board member of T.A.R.C.. Active in scouting, Warren has staged ham radio demos and operating events at scout camps and schools for over a decade years Amateur Radio lead directly to Warren's profession, with the early days of hamming in the 60's steering him to a life long career in broadcast journalism. His 25 years in the business was only interrupted briefly in the mid 70's, when Warren worked as an editor at 73 Magazine, and then as Sales Manager for the old DenTron Radio in Ohio. After returning to broadcasting and making 11 moves in ten years, from New England to the MIdwest, Warren and his family settled in Tampa , Florida in 1982, where he is the senior reporter for Fox Owned WTVT-TV, the nation's highest rated Fox Station. Warren has reported from all over the U.S., South and Central America, Europe, and the Middle East, and has covered the U.S. Space program for 12 years. He has witnessed over 70 shuttle launches, and has worked scores of QSOs with shuttle and MIR operators. Married with three sons, Warren's oldest son Walter is KC4UCQ, a code technican.

Callsign W1GUD
E-Mail welly@tampabay.rr.com

Joe Eisenberg - K0NEB

Roy Neal Mentoring Project Database Manager

Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB is a software/hardware/database specialist in the Lincoln, NE area. He is also one of the most sought after speakers on the topic of ham radio home construction and kit building with his seminars bringing standing room only crowds.

Callsign K0NEB
E-Mail radiodx@alltel.net

Jim Davis - W2JKD

Anchor Desk

Jim Davis, W2JKD, a native of Buffalo, New York is currently Vice President, Clear Channel Broadcasting of Sarasota Florida. Davis is a second generation and life long broadcaster. Following in the footsteps of his mother who was a singer on WKBW/Buffalo, Davis began his career as an air personality in the Western New York area. He had a successful run at some of the nation's biggest radio stations; including WOR/FM/New York; KHJ/Los Angeles; CKLW/Detroit; WLS-AM/Chicago. While employed by RKO General Broadcasting, Davis was twice nominated for Billboard Magazine's "Major Market Air Personality Of The Year." Davis entered radio management in the early 1970's as Operations Manager of American Broadcasting Corporation's owned and operated Chicago outlet, WDAI-FM. During the next decade, Davis's programming career encompassed several major market management positions including WPEZ/Pittsburgh; WXYZ (ABC O&O)/Detroit; KLIF/Dallas and the flagship station of Gene Autry's Golden West Broadcasters, KMPC/Los Angeles. In 1981, Davis entered senior management by becoming Vice President/General Manager of Radio Station WVAF/Charleston, West Virginia. He served the National Radio Broadcasters Association as State Director; He was on the Board of Directors of the West Virginia Broadcasters Association. Davis received a Federal Appointment as State Chairman of the Emergency Broadcast System. He functioned as President of the Kanawha Valley Amateur Radio Association. In 1982,Additionally, Davis served as coordinator and host of the annual March of Dimes telethons on WVAH TV-23/Charleston where he also hosted a Saturday night weekly broadcast of "The Movie Club." Next, Davis became a partner in radio station WNFI/Daytona Beach, Florida where he was VP/General Manager. Following the sale, Davis remained with the corporation, functioning as interim GM for WCOA/WJLQ/Pennsacola and WPAP/Panama City, both Florida. In 1988, Davis joined Regional Broadcasters of Michigan as General Manager of WGRD AM/FM in Grand Rapids, Michigan. WGRD was voted as "Station of the Year" by the Grand Rapids Radio Broadcasters Association. Davis served as Vice President of that organization during his last year in Grand Rapids. During this time, Davis was appointed by President Warren Potash to a blue ribbon panel of the Radio Advertising Bureau to serve on its New Business Development committee. In early 1991, Jim Davis was appointed Executive Vice President and General Manager of Radio Station WZVU (Oldies 107.1) in Monmouth/Ocean, New Jersey, the nations 44th radio market. Davis returned to Floida upon the sale of WZVU and became General Manager of WFKS in Daytona Beach, the same station he co-owned in the 1980's. For four years, Davis acted as Vice President/Market Manager of WSRQ,WSPB,WCTQ,WAMR,WDDV and WSRZ in Sarasota Florida for Clear Channel Communications. Currenly, he is Vice President and General Manager for Vero Beach Broadcasters, LLC which operates a cluster of four FM's (WGYL, WGNX and WOSN) and an AM (WTTB). Davis has authored a book entitled "The Sales Success Spectrum-A System Of Radio Sales" which is used as a teaching and training manual at the stations. In his spare time, Davis is a licensed Multi Engine Commercial Instrument rated pilot and owner/operator of a twin engine Aero Commander. As a Civil Air Patrol member he participates and has been trained as a Search & Rescue pilot, looking for downed aircraft survivors. He has been an amateur radio operator since age twelve holding an "EXTRA" class license - His call letters are W2JKD.. He received a "designated examinor" status from the American Radio Relay League in 1985.

Callsign W2JKD
E-Mail jameskdavis@bellsouth.net

Jim Damron - N8TMW

Anchor Desk

Jim Damron, N8TMW, is an ARRL Public Information Coordinator--WV Section; Member of Kanawha Amateur Radio Club and Net Manager of KARC Two Meter Net. Jim is a member and Net Control Operator of West Virginia Amateur Radio; Net Manager of Mountain State Emergency Net; Net Control Op for Hamtalk ARES/RACES Net; Member, W.Va. State Amateur Radio Council; Member, Tri County Ham Radio Club; Assistant EC of Kanawha County, WV; Official Emergency Station; President, Charleston WV Area Hamfest & Computer Show; Volunteer Examiner; Member of Royal Order of the Wouff Hong. Jim is a member Army MARS (call AAT3DQ). DXCC,CQDX,WAS and WAC Awards; Named "Kanawha Valley Amateur Radio Operator of the Year 2001". Named "West Virginia Outstanding Amateur of the Year 2000". Has operated an audio production business full time since 1990, after two and a half decades in radio broadcasting. Appears in radio and TV commercials, training videos, and film. Acting credits include the movie "Forrest Gump". Regular anchor on the weekly international ham radio "Newsline" program. Hobbies are walking, shooting, and ice skating.

Callsign N8TMW
E-Mail n8tmw@arrl.net

Paul Courson - WA3VJB


Paul Courson, WA3VJB has been licensed and on the air since 1971 with now-classic rigs that include a Collins 32V2 seen here in a vintage field day event organized by the nostalgic ham specialty magazine Electric Radio. Paul is a broadcast network TV and radio journalist covering events from Washington, DC, and boosts Newsline's coverage of FCC and other regulatory issues in the Nation's Capital.

Callsign WA3VJB
E-Mail wa3vjb@arrl.net

Jeremy Boot - G4NJH

RSGB News - UK

Jeremy Boot, G4NJH runs "The G4NJH Pages" in the UK, updated monthly at http://www.innotts.co.uk/~asperges/ and various other interest pages too: Robert Burns, Guy Fawkes, St George and the Dragon and Wollaton Park (all from the same URL). He lives in Nottingham UK, which is in the E Midlands, 130 miles north of London. He writes articles on Internet and Amateur Radio for a UK Publication, Ham Radio Today. Every week the RSGB produces a News Bulletin for Radio Amateurs and Short Wave listeners. They are read live on Sundays (usually) by a team of readers throughout the UK on HF, VHF and above. The text is available on the RSGB Site. This service in Real Audio allows you to hear the news at any time and even to download the files for future use. Many countries including the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand as well as Europe and the UK take part or whole bulletins for retransmission on their own services. For the last 4 years he has been reading these bulletins in Real Audio which has made them more widely heard than before. There have even been extracts on HCJB from Ecuador! Feel free to re-broadcast outside the UK, but as a courtesy please email to let him know.

Callsign  G4NJH
E-Mail g4njh2@ntlworld.com

David Black - KB4KCH

Vice President

David Black, KB4KCH, is a General Partner of
First Frame Video in Birmingham, Alabama, and
is a 20-year veteran of the broadcast television

Prior to starting First Frame Video, David worked
as a television news reporter and weather anchor
at WVTM, the NBC affiliate serving Birmingham,
Alabama. David also has extensive radio and
television experience while working in broadcasting
in Texas.

David is active in amateur radio Skywarn and
emergency communications.  He is past President
of the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club and is one
of the founders of ALERT (www.alert-alabama.org),
an organization of radio amateurs specializing in
Skywarn communications to assist the National
Weather Service in Birmingham.

Callsign KB4KCH
E-Mail david@davidblack.us

Mark Abramowicz - NT3V

Secretary, Chair of YHOTY Committee

Known professionally as Mark Abrams, NT3V is a versatile part of the KYW Newsradio family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania serving as a reporter, anchor and editor. A graduate of Kutztown State College, he got his start in the industry in the mid-1970s as a talk-show producer, later serving as a reporter, news anchor, and news director for the former WHUM in Reading, Pa. He was lured to the print side of the media business in 1981, working for nearly 18 years as a reporter, columnist and desk editor for the Reading Eagle and Reading Times newspapers. He covered a variety of beats and assignments including city and county government and politics, the police desk, transportation, public utilities and state regulatory agencies. Abrams is a Fellow of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he was selected to pursue studies in two important areas: (1) the nuclear industry and the impact of the Three Mile Island accident; and (2) the information superhighway. In addition, Abrams is an adjunct professor at Temple University where he teaches writing for mass media and broadcast news writing. Abrams has worked for a number of stations in Philadelphia including WPEN and WIP, serving as a weekend news anchor at both of those stations. He also appears as a reporter for Berks Community Television coverage of the Berks County primary and general elections on Comcast Cable. In the fall of 2000, Mark traveled to Rome for KYW Newsradio, where he provided extensive coverage of the pilgrimage for the canonization of Philadelphia's St. Katharine Drexel.

Callsign NT3V
E-Mail mabramowic@aol.com

Bill Pasternak - WA6ITF (Became a Silent Key on 6/11/15)

President, Co-Founder

Bill's Personal Biography

Among many other things, I am the Producer/Writer of the weekly Amateur Radio Newsline ham radio bulletin service. I co-founded Newsline as the Westlink Radio Network (with Jim Hendershot WA6VQP) in 1976 and our first bulletin aired in 1977.

I learned that ham radio existed back when I was only age 13. I was interested in things electric and radio and hung around a television repair shop in Brooklyn, New York run by the late Warren Spindler, K2IXN. One day I walked in to find Warren talking into a microphone connected to an odd looking box. When Warren stopped talking the voice of a little girl answered him. Warren told me that they were talking over ham radio.

The young girls name was Barbara Sue Parks -- nickname "Babs" -- and only 10 years old. I do not remember her callsign but getting to say hello to her on Warrens radio changed my life forever. It would be another 5 years before I would get my first license. That was in 1959 in New York as WA2HVK.

I love the hands-on approach to ham radio and built my very first transmitter using parts salvaged from an old DuMont television set. It was a modification of a design by Bill Orr, W6SAI published in his famous Novice and Technician Handbook. A crystal controlled low power 6 meter AM transmitter that doubled in the final, was screen grid modulated and put out almost no output power. Even so, using only an indoor long-wire antenna, a deaf L&W Converter and Heathkit AR-2 receiver my first contact was into Orlando, Florida. Meeting Bill was one of the highlights of my ham radio career.

During the 60s and into the 70s I spent most of my ham radio life chasing DX on 6 meters with Larry Levy, WA2INM. Larry had a rather neat 40 watt AM station and 5 element Telrex Beam and if it could be heard, Larry could work it. So he and I went into competition with other great 6 meter AM DXers and contesters of that era.

I also learned to fly and operated aero-mobile from my friend Steven Crow, WA2CPX, AeroCommander 560 twin. Maybe you heard about the club we formed to run contests from 10,000' MSL above New Jersey. We were called the "Flying Amateur Radio Team".

In 1978 I was a part of the ham radio engineering team that built and installed the nations very first 15 Khz "split-split" 2 meter repeater. Its callsign was WA2ZWP and it was located atop the Williamsburg Bank Building in Brooklyn, New York.

Since then, I have written two best-selling technical books, authored the "Looking West" column for 73 Magazine for 22 years and served as Editor of the Westlink Report Newsletter for 11 years.  (At this time I am working on my first novel tentatively titled "Geeks" that is due out this fall.)

I have also written and published countless articles in Amateur Radio, hobby electronics and broadcast related periodicals; produced, co-produced and/or directed most ham radio films and video's released by ARRL or AMSAT since 1980. I am very much indebted to my mentors Dave Bell, W6AQ; Alan Kaul, W6RCL and the late Roy Neal, K6DUE, for having the time and patience to teach me the production side of the television production business. 

Currently I write the "VHF, FM and Repeater" column for Worldradio Magazine, produce Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), write the e-zine colum titled "Other Side of the Control Room Glass" for the very popular HalEisner.com broadcast industry website and administer Newslines "Young Ham of the Year"award program that I created in 1986.

I hold membership in the American Radio Relay League, the Quarter Century Wireless Association and the Radio Club of America.

Over the years I has received several awards in recognition of my contributions to the Amateur Radio Service. These include the DARA Special Achievement Award (1981), the ARRL Southwester Division Meritorious Service Award (1988), the DARA Radio Amateur of the Year (1989), the AMSAT Outstanding Contributions Award (1990), the ARRL National Certificate of Merit (1995) and the QCWA Hall of Fame Award (2005).

I am employed as a Broadcast Engineer with KTTV Fox 11 Television News and was awarded a local"Emmy" 1n 1984 in recognition of my contributions to the then "Channel 11 10 PM News." In the summer of 1996 we moved into a brand new studio located directly across the street from Henry Radio in Los Angeles. My work schedule is late afternoon through midnight. This is how I have the time to do many of the things I enjoy like my producing Newsline and authoring my monthly Worldradio column. 

I also serve as a Broadcast Consultant in the design and installation of digital and analog television post production facilities and as an independent educational/industrial film and video producer and writer.

About my family

My wife Sharon and I went to Alaska in September 1996 to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

Sharon became a ham right after the FCC enacted the no-code Technician license. She was in Gordon West, WB6NOA Radio School first Codefree Technician class and graduated with honors. Her call sign is KB6EPW.

Sharons favorite past time is collecting old toys. Like most collectors she also buys and sells.

She also likes to visit places devoted to science and space such as Spacecamp in Huntsville.

While we have no children of our own, we were blessed with a lovely foster daughter named Kelly. Some of you may remember Kelly Howard, N6PNY, as one of two teen co-hosts of the ARRL video The New World of Amateur Radio.

In 1990 she met and married Steven Lenhert. They have four children:  Michael, Aimee, Amber and Matthew.

Other interests

In addition to ham radio, my other interests are travel, live musical theater, cycling, swimming, aviation and photography. I'm lucky to live in Southern California. During the spring, summer and early fall I try to spend at least an hour a day swimming and another half hour a day riding my old Sears Free Spirit bike around the neighborhood.  I also enjoy sitting in a Jacuzzi talking ham radio with my friend and writing partner Dave Booth, KC6WFS.

I started in photography when I was 9 using a Kodak Brownie Flash Six-Twenty box camera. I went through several others like the Brownie Hawkeye, Argoflex, etc before getting my first real camera in 1957 a Ricohflex 2 1/4 x 2 1/4. I graduated down to 35 MM with an Argus C-3, Kowa E-35 and then to a used Nikon F2 Photomic in the early 1960s. I sold that to go back into 2 1/4 but found it had become very expensive. So I purchased a Pracktika LTL, followed by a Sears branded Pentex Spotmatic, a Minolta MD system and finally the Canon EOS system that I still use. The Canon EOS is in my opinion the best 35mm film SLR available today.  I also have several autofocus point and shoot 35 mm cameras. My all time favorite is the tiny Olympus Stylus that lives in my pocket. (I also have a Canon A-70 digital point and shoiot, but I still shoot a lot more film than digital.)



Callsign WA6ITF
E-Mail wa6itf@arnewsline.org

Jim Hendershot - WA6VQP


Jim Hendershot, WA6VQP, has been involved in the radio & wireless industry for over 25 years. He is currently president of Radio Design Group, the RF and wireless design and consulting firm which he started several years ago. Jim has been involved in the design of several products in wireless communications, including cellular phones, pagers, and spread spectrum devices. His spread spectrum experience includes voice and data applications, using both frequency hopping and direct sequence systems. Inventions and patents by Mr. Hendershot include disguise antennas, wireless ranging methods, radio based assisted listening devices, and wireless freeway callbox systems. Among his major clients are Hewlett-Packard, Timex, Toshiba, Telefunken Microelectronics (Temic/Siliconix), Motorola, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Mitsubishi. Mr. Hendershot is a well-known figure in the RF and wireless industry, frequently speaking at seminars and conventions related to a variety of topics, including paging, cellular communications, wireless data, spread spectrum and others. Mr. Hendershot has been published several times in various journals, including Mobile Radio Technology, Communications Magazine, Personal Communciations Technology, QST, and other publications. He is an active amateur radio operator, as well as a member of the Radio Club of America and other professional organizations.

Callsign WA6VQP
E-Mail jimh@radiodesign.com