Travis Lisk - N3ILS
Travis Lisk was first licensed as N3YLI in 1996 as a Technician and earned his Tech Plus license in 1998. With his career in the professional AV industry, he learned to completely automate his house, including the chicken coop that is controlled with Arduino.
After a break from Amateur Radio, he picked up a mic again in 2022 and quickly upgraded to General. The following year Travis upgraded to Extra and became a volunteer examiner with both W5YI and ARRL and changed his call to N3ILS. He is most often heard on the 146.985 W3GMS repeater which is located 20 miles southwest of his home in Downingtown which is 45 miles west of Philadelphia.
He participates in many aspects of ham radio, including the Chester County ARES/RACES and both Winter and ARRL Field Days. In the home shack he enjoys FT8 and FT4 on his home brew 17-meter Inverted V, but when the weather turns nice, he quickly takes the IC-705 to the backyard and connects to a 40-meter end-fed strung up in a tree. Travis also enjoys activating POTA, mostly with FT8 and FT4, but is working on expanding into CW, using a friend’s Alex Loop. When not in his shack finding new places to communicate with or at a POTA activation, Travis enjoys spending time with his wife and 2 kids. The youngest will be a senior in high school and drum major for their school’s marching band, and the oldest is studying music in college.