Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2046, January 13, 2017
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2046 with a release date of Friday, January 13, 2017 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a QST. The Radio Club of America has embraced the role of YLs in wireless. A special event station marks the presidential inauguration. Scouts are already preparing for Jamboree On The Air -- and our top story, a vital repeater in suburban New York faces eviction. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2046 comes your way right now.
DON/ANCHOR: We begin this week's report with breaking news: a critical repeater site that's served its suburban New York community for three decades, and put to use in a number of disasters, is now being asked to leave its location. Amateur Radio Newsline's Paul Braun WD9GCO, has our top story:
PAUL: A 30-year-old repeater site that is key to public safety in Long Island, New York is facing possible eviction from new building owners. I spoke with club president Pres Waterman, W2PW, about their plight:
WATERMAN: Basically the repeater's been on top of a 10-story building for almost 30 years. The arrangements under which it was up there have been sort of lost to history - I mean, there have been so many management changes and regime changes and what not that it kind of slipped into an undocumented status but it's been there for a heck of a long time. It covers really, really well in central Long Island.
I've got IRLP and D-STAR happening at the site and it's been used for a number of public-service situations such as TWA 800 going down in the Nineties, September 11th, Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy -- in fact, I wasn't even home during Hurricane Sandy because I was at the Red Cross shelter doing communications duty and then I found out I came back to find my house had been wrecked in Sandy so it's a real thing that affects us here in Long Island, New York.
Basically, several months ago an entity from out of town, named Delaware North, acquired the building with the intentions of opening up a casino, and those plans are taking shape. I was told about a month-and-a-half ago that the equipment had to go -- they didn't even know about it, which is not surprising -- but had to go because the state gaming board would not allow it unless it was used for the "building operations or the government." So, I went directly to the gaming board and they said, "We don't have a problem with that."
So then I went back and I was still told no, even so they still want it off the building, so it just seems like a whack-a-mole game of reasons and excuses and what-not.
But I did some research on the company and they do have a global footprint of their operations and they do talk about stewardship and giving back to the community, and I'm reasoning that this is an excellent way for the management to give back to the community by allowing the repeater site to simply stay at no investment to them whatsoever!
PAUL: They are running short on time to get the corporation to reverse their decision and let the repeaters stay right where they are. Waterman said heíll be contacting as many in the corporate headquarters as he can, as well as enlisting the help of area first-responders and emergency organizations to help drive home the importance of the repeaters. Waterman stated that there is no equivalent site for relocation.
If youíd like to sign the petition, please go to and search for ìKeep the Amateur Radio Repeaters Operational.î
For Amateur Radio Newsline, Iím Paul Braun, WD9GCO
DON/ANCHOR: A ham who won many contesting honors during his lifetime is now being paid a special tribute by organizers of one of his favorite contests -- as a Silent Key. We learn more from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
JEREMY: By the time Steve Cole GW4BLE became a Silent Key on Dec. 2, 2016, the Welsh amateur had a lifetime of achievements in contesting. He ranked high on the ARRL's DXCC Honor Roll and had high standings in different events run by the Radio Society of Great Britain. His favorite contest of all, however, was the CQ World Wide SSB contest where he scored many wins over the course of 40 years.
CQWW has now added a plaque in his memory to be given to the highest-scoring European amateur station each year in the EU SSB Classic section. It will be managed by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation and will be available starting this year. Dave G8FXM told Ohio Penn DX that only one other amateur in the UK has ever had an award named in his memory: Al Slater G3FXB.
In this way, by honoring Steve, the noted achievements of "Bravo Lima Echo" continue on in the very spirit he brought to the competition.
For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH
DON/ANCHOR: With our next report, Amateur Radio Newsline brings you the first in an occasional series that looks at nets with interesting stories to tell. This week we introduce the YL System of Nets, which has been on the air for 53 years. It began with a group of female ham radio operators but it's not just for YLs anymore, as we learn from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Damron N8TMW.
BOBBIE: "It's a good place to come, our controls are very friendly. It takes a lot of people to run this system because they are there 8 o'clock in the morning until the band goes out at night. And that happens Monday through Friday. On the weekends, we are there for at least three hours."
JIM: That's Bobbie Livingston K4ZGH, president of the YL International Single Sideband System, an ambitious collection of nets that run from sunrise to sundown during the week and several hours each weekend. What began in 1963 as an emergency response network among women morphed over the years from a sisterhood into a system. Soon friends and friends-of-friends, both YLs and OMs, came on board to help run the various net sessions throughout each day and to talk, ham to ham.
BOBBIE: "We have 17,292 members at this time. Of course, with that number we also have some Silent Keys because we have been operating for 53 years. Each year it is a loss when one of our members is called home. And you know, they're like your family."
JIM: In between all those nets, there are newsletters, get-well cards, conventions and even eyeball QSOs. There is also always a big welcome for new participants. Details can be found at Meanwhile, be listening during the week on 14332 kHz and, at other times, you can find them on 15, 40 and 80 meters. This is one busy group!
BOBBIE: It takes a lot of people to keep this all going -- and with the help of all of our members, we do it!
JIM: Bobbie spoke with Amateur Radio Newsline's Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT. I'm Newsline's Jim Damron, N8TMW.
DON/ANCHOR: Meanwhile, if you know of a net with an interesting story to tell, email us at newsline at and we might just feature it as one of our next Nets of Note.
DON/ANCHOR: The Radio Club of America, the world's oldest organization of wireless communications professionals, has devoted an expanded section of its website to women in wireless. It's not just a history lesson, it's a collection of resources, as we learn from Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather Embee, KB3TZD.
HEATHER: What does screen star Hedy Lamar have in common with Kentuckyís Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton, K-5-E-I-B? The same thing Professor Ada Poon of Stanford University shares with former ARRL president Kay Craigie N-3-K-N. They are all featured in the newest section of the Radio Club of America website in an area called "Wireless Women." The section was established to inspire and inform women who are considering a profession in the wireless sector.
It also lists resources to help women researching career opportunities and presents the RCA Vivian Carr Award to honor women for outstanding achievements in the industry. The award was named for the former Radio Club president. Perhaps best of all, for the youngest of the YLs, that section of the website lists universities with an engineering focus that also have a significant number of female students.
For women wishing to network, the website provide information and links for the best contacts at such professional organizations as the Society of Women Engineers, IEEE's Women in Engineering and Women of Wireless Communications. For any amateurs wanting to turn professional, it's the place to go.
For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Embee K-B-3-T-Z-D.
DON/ANCHOR: Visit the website at and navigate to the section marked "wireless women."
BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the Spokane, Washington UHF Repeater of K7TMF and K7MMA on Fridays at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
DON/ANCHOR: Radio Scouting has kicked off the new year with an ambitious agenda. We hear the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Stearns NE4RD.
BILL: This week in Radio Scouting we have one activation of the K2BSA callsign, Jamboree on the Air planning, and Scout Camps on the Air.
Bryan Gonderinger, AF0W, will be activating a portable station at a Merit Badge Fair in Longmont, CO, on January 28th. Bryan will be getting scouts on the air for that portion the radio merit badge program.
Jamboree on the Air is 10 months away, but in order to ensure a successful event it is time to get started. January is the month you contact your local district and get the event on the calendar, or find a compatible event already on the calendar for your operation. After you have date set, it's time to recruit your team. Flying solo can work well with smaller groups, but it always helps to have the extra hands in working with scouts. A planning calendar and more tips for JOTA/JOTI can be found on our website.
Are you putting a summer camp, a camporee, or a simple troop campout on the air with your Scouts? Besides telling us about it and reserving the K2BSA callsign for your event, you can announce and spot the event at the Scout Camps on the Air website at A quick glance at the calendar there we can see that WS5BSA will be activating for a campout in Oklahoma City, OK, on Saturday January 14th, and they'll be on HF 17/20 meters. We also see that W0KCN will be activating for a Venture Crew in Kansas City, MO, on Tuesday January 17th, and this appears to be an informational event for the Kansas City Northland ARES Group. So, give this site a try for your next event.
For this and more information on K2BSA and Radio Scouting, please visit
For Amateur Radio Newsline and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD
ANCHOR/DON: Yearlong celebrations of a centennial have become big in amateur radio -- and this year's focus is on the United States Virgin Islands. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephen Kinford N8WB with the details of an event going on there.
STEPHEN: A special event station is marking 100 years since the Treaty of the Danish West Indies which were sold to the U.S. and renamed the Virgin Islands. The celebration is already under way, in fact, and on the air! Listen for the EDR HAM Radio Club of Skanderborg using the callsign OZ100DVI (OH-ZEE-One Hundred- DVI) right up through December 31st, 2017 honoring the islands of Saint Croix, Saint John and Saint Thomas along with the smaller islands nearby. St. Thomas will play a especially prominent role: Not only will the station be on all bands for this yearlong event but operators will be doing hiking trips and SOTA activity from Saint Thomas Island.
For further details, visit
For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB.
DON/ANCHOR: The Republic of Kazakhstan, now a quarter-century old, just got an anniversary present from authorities there - a new amateur radio band. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams VK4JJW.
JOHN: The Republic of Kazakhstan, which just marked its 25th anniversary of independence, has just got something else to be proud of: the right to operate on the 60-meter band. The radio spectrum management authority there has allocated 5351.5 through 5366.5 kHz on a secondary basis for amateur use. Making the band available has been advocated by the Association of Amateur Radio Services of Kazakhstan, which pressed its case with the Minister of Information and Communications. It is unclear, for now, what the maximum output power is and what other restrictions may apply. The Association of Amateur Radio Services expects to determine those shortly.
For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW.
DON/ANCHOR: The Irish Radio Transmitters Society reminds all hams who participated in the 80-meter Counties Contest on the 1st of January to have logs submitted no later than Sunday, January 15th. Contest organizers report that most counties were active with radio contacts and band conditions favorable overall. In fact, propagation was off to a great start as the event began, with many operators proclaiming conditions excellent. Toward the end, hams experienced longer skip. Even the weather was good, encouraging portable stations to get out there and on the band. So if you've logged your contacts and want to make that day's efforts count, don't forget the January 15th deadline.
In the world of DX, be listening for the German Antarctic Research Base called "Neumayer (NOY-MY-ER) 3," which is on the air throughout this month until February. Operators are using the call sign DP 1 POL and mainly transmitting in CW and digital modes. This activity counts as AN-016 for the IOTA program. The QSL Manager is DL 1Z BO. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World.
The operators of Lions Clubs International Belgian Amateur Radio are using the call sign OR 100 LCI to mark the Lions Club's 100th anniversary. They will be on the air until March, using CW, SSB and RTTY on the HF bands. Send QSL cards via ON 8 ZL.
Three stations are on the air this month from the Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus. The call signs for this rare location are ZC4SB, ZC4DB and ZC4JB. Check out for QSL details.
Tom PA3TG is operating from Lagos this month using the call sign 5N40TG. Send QSL cards to his home call sign.
DON/ANCHOR: And finally, as the United States gets ready for the transition to a new president on Friday, January 20th, one special event station has solemly sworn to inaugurate as much of the radio spectrum as it can. We hear details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Neil Rapp WB9VPG.
NEIL: Two teams of amateurs from the Washington, D.C. area will operate Special Event Station W3T from 12:01 am Eastern on Thursday, January 19th through midnight Eastern on Saturday, January 21st to recognize the inauguration of the 45th United States president.
Carrying on the tradition of a commemorative special event station during the inauguration, Michael Lonneke, W4AAW, will have his remote multi-multi contest station active from Round Hill, Virginia; while a Maryland amateur, Jim Nitzberg, WX3B, will host from his multi-multi station as well. A third VHF station is also in the works. Richard Maylott, W2YE, will supervise the distribution of the thousands of
commemorative QSL card requests. One station will be on the traditional contest bands 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters, while the other will focus on the WARC bands. All modes will be used throughout the 48 hours of operation. W4AAW explains the recognition behind the special event station.
MICHAEL: The main thing that I wanted to put across is that it marks the peaceful transition of administrations, which has always happened in this country since the beginning. And I think thatís unique to the United States that weíve never hadÖ know, it can be contentious as this one apparently is, but we are, after all, all Americans. The president has been chosen according to the Constitution, and thatís the way the power changes. Itís as just as much as honoring the new president. When Obama was the new president, he was honored. And now Trumpís going to be the new president, and heís going to be honored. I think weíre looking at the bigger picture, and not anything political.
NEIL: Those desiring QSL cards can send them direct to W4AAW or by the W3 bureau. If sending direct, please include an SASE, and DX stations are asked to add $2 in U.S. currency for postage.
Reporting for Amateur Radio Newsline, Iím Neil Rapp, WB9VPG.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; K2BSA Amateur Radio Association; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; QRZ.COM; Radio Society of Great Britain; Radio Club of America; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; WTWW Shortwave; the YL International Single Sideband System; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Don Wilbanks AE5DW in Picayune, Mississippi saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening.
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