Neil Rapp - WB9VPG

Anchor Desk, Reporter

Neil Rapp's Personal Biography

Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, grew up with Amateur Radio Newsline.  He got into ham radio at age 5 in his hometown of Vincennes, Indiana.  Neil grew up listening to the Westlink Report teleconferences on a nearby repeater… one of the few at that time that had an autopatch and could pay the long distance phone bill to Los Angeles for the long sessions.  As Westlink became Newsline, Neil listened to the weekly report on the repeater as often as possible.  When he graduated from college and bought his first home, he had a friend that was a fellow ham and sold satellite TV programming.  He had his friend install a 10’ C-Band satellite dish in his back yard instead of other TV options so he could get Newsline via satellite, though a This Week in Amateur Radio feed on an audio subchannel.  He would record the weekly show on VHS, and then dub it over to a cassette.  Then, he would play the cassette into his radio in order to run it on the repeater every single week.  At hamfests, he would have people record local IDs on cassette tape, and use them during the ID breaks within the program.  And, he raised funds with a Newsline Support Fund jar at the local hamfest.  Getting Newsline has become much easier thanks to the internet, and he’s still running it each week on the W9EAR repeater network.  After getting to know the man behind the voice he’d listened to for many years, Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, at the Newsline Young Ham of the Year award ceremony at the Huntsville Hamfest, Neil expressed interest in doing voice work for Newsline.  And in 2016, he became a voice talent for Newsline.

Neil got his start in broadcasting doing sports public address announcing at his high school.  He was able to get a part time job after graduation with a local FM broadcast station, WFML-FM, and eventually had a weekend sports show in addition to being a DJ and training broadcasting students at the Vincennes University owned station. He also helped with some broadcast engineering projects from time to time, and set up a remote broadcast setup for Evansville Harrison High School.  There, he taught chemistry, sponsored a ham radio club, coached basketball, and announced baseball and basketball.  He and a former student and basketball player, sports announcer Brandon Gaudin, traveled to baseball games to broadcast them on WPSR-FM in order to mentor Brandon’s broadcasting future.  Brandon is now the radio play-by-play announcer at Georgia Tech, and also is an announcer on the Big Ten Network, Westwood One, and on the video game Madden 2017.  Neil continues to be a sports public address announcer at Bloomington High School South in Bloomington, Indiana where he teaches chemistry and is the sponsor of the ham radio club (K9SOU).  Also in 2016, he started a talk radio show called “Ham Talk Live!”

Neil holds an extra class license, is president of Electronic Applications Radio Service (EARS – W9EAR), and a member of Bloomington Amateur Radio Club (K9DIY), Old Post Amateur Radio Club (W9EOC), and the youngest to become a member of Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA).  He is a life member of ARRL, a volunteer exam coordinator, and an ARRL Wireless Technology Teachers Institute graduate.  He was presented the ARRL Professional Educator of the Year award in 2004, and the Amateur of the Year award by the Indiana Radio Club Council in 2014.  He won the IRCC Technical Excellence award in 2003.

Callsign: WB9VPG


Paul Braun - WD9GCO

Anchor Desk, Reporter

Paul's personal biography:

Born in Chicago, my family moved to a little farming community in Southern Illinois called Steeleville in 1972. It was there that my 4th-grade teacher, Mr. Wasmund, taught me about the joys of electronics and Heathkit. Soon after Mr. Wasmund helped me build my first Heathkit, a transistor radio (the rectangular black-and-white one, if you remember those).

That led to shortwave listening, which started the radio bug.

After meeting my Elmer, Steve Ramsey K9SR in early 1978, I got my Novice ticket (Steve snuck the code test by me by saying it was just another “practice session” and then announced that I had passed the test.) I upgraded to General the following year.

I attended Valparaiso University and, upon graduation, decided that I liked the city and stayed put.

College, followed by apartment life, marriage and condo (HOA) living kept me off of HF for the next 34 years (although I kept my license current.) I started listening to Ham Nation with the first episode out of curiosity, and got the itch for ham radio again. In August of 2014, I decided to live on the edge and installed a multiband vertical in my courtyard with not nearly enough radials (being HOA board president helped), fired up my original TS-520S that I've hung on to all those years, Googled the details for tuning the finals (it had been a long time, after all) and suddenly rediscovered how much fun the hobby was. After a couple of months, I treated myself to my second new radio, a TS-590S, because I felt that two new rigs in 35 years wasn't really overdoing things.

I am also a proud member (Number 141) of the 100 Watts And A Wire family ( and am a regular contributor to Christian's podcast.

Over the years, I've worked in radio at various local stations, designed sound for a local theatre company and produce an acoustic concert series there as well. I have worked in corporate IT for many years, currently at the University of Chicago. I also work for a production company at a local casino mixing live music on weekends and setting up and running A/V equipment for special events. I also manage social media outlets for several musicians. Once a nerd, always a nerd…

It was at the theatre where I met my wife, Sheri, and we've been married since 1987. No human children, but we do have a comfortable assortment of furry ones. One of them, a 14-pound white rescue kitty named Bowie is, in fact, attempting to stop me from typing this because he’s not being petted.

I'm active on HF, both SSB and the digital modes (and CW again once I polish off the rust); 2M FM for local repeaters, and UHF DMR.

I was recruited by Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, and cannot truly express my gratitude for being invited to be part of such a respected organization. I remember listening to the Westlink Report on the Marissa, IL repeater when I was a kid, and now I get to help carry on Bill Pasternak's legacy. It's truly an honor.

Callsign:   WD9GCO
Contact:   QRZ

James Pastorfield - KB7TBT

ARNewsline's Facebook Page Administrator

James started his radio adventures at the age 5 when he got a set of GI Joe walkie-talkies for Christmas. By the time he was 12 the Citizen Band craze was in full swing and James was part of many CB activities.

He is well versed now in the ham radio world but not until serendipity struck him one day. His ham radio adventure started when he was in Phoenix AZ, as he was soaking up the sun by the pool with his small portable Television trying to find another football game to watch. What he stumbled upon instead was a group of guys working ATV (Amateur Television) and he was hooked. With a little research, James found out it was the Arizona Amateurs on Television Group. With their guidance and with Norm (WV7K) as his Elmer, James passed the Technician test in November of 1992 and obtained his Ham License in February of 1993… and the rest is history.

James has been a long time Sysop and a message board moderator for the old FIDO nets. In 2011 Bill Pasternak asked him to help with the ARNewline Facebook page. Admittedly he had his doubts, but time and time again Bill proved to be right about what would be successful. "I strive to keep it running like an oiled machine” says James. Bill had a set of guidelines and to this day James follows them to a “t”. The Facebook page is a bigger success than ever imagined and keeps growing every day. A large portion of that success is due to the members of the page themselves and James and the rest of the crew are all glad they are part of the ARNewsline family.


Callsign KB7TBT

Bobby Best - WX4ALA


Bobby Best, WX4ALA who moved back to his hometown of Jasper, Alabama, that he grew up in, back in early 2014, is an almost 30-year veteran of the commercial broadcasting industry, but has just joined The ARN Team, as a reporter, in early Fall of 2015! Bobby got his first job as a disc jockey at a small 5,000-watt daytime-only station, when he was just 15 years old! After getting that first job and being on the air for just a short time, he was hooked on radio! 

Bobby went on to work at everything from a 1,000-watt daytime and 42-watt at night AM station and a 100-watt LPFM station, to big full 50,000-watt AM stations and 100,000-watt FM stations, one of which had their antenna on top of (at the time of its construction) "the second tallest manmade structure in the free world!" Bobby was given opportunities to move to large markets many times over the years, but choose to stay in Alabama, near his family instead... In Alabama, Bobby has worked in; the Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Muscle Shoals, and Huntsville/Decatur markets of North and Central, Alabama and the Mobile, Alabama radio market in Southwest, Alabama.... Presently he is; News Director, Staff Weatherman, and Host of; "Southern Gospel Review" a Sunday morning gospel show that is aired on a group of stations that simulcast his show every week, from his home broadcast studio....

In addition to Bobby's work resume, he has been and continues to be active in various non-profit groups, clubs, and the like... He has been honored by two different sitting Governors of Alabama for his work in this area and holds the honorary rank of; Colonel of The Alabama State Militia! At the age of 12, he raised the most money in the Southeast for The American Heart Association's "Jump Rope For Heart" school fund raiser and he continued for three years holding that record, until he got up in the age of a high school student....

Bobby is also very active with SKYWARN and has been active with ARES in the past as well, where he has held the position of; Assistant Emergency Coordinator in two different counties in Alabama. He was the founder of; "Northwest, Alabama SKYWARN" and The Winston County Amateur Radio/SKYWARN Group as well. Additionally, he has been active with; The Alabama Emergency Response Team (or ALERT) in the past. ALERT is the group that responds to The Birmingham Office of The National Weather Service, to man the ham station there and pass on reports from Amateur Radio Operators that are also trained and active members of a SKYWARN group, in Central, Alabama... Bobby has been on too many storm chase trips to count, including multiple trips to both the Midwestern and Great Plaines states.... He's also presently working on his Broadcast Meteorology Certificate...

Bobby, over the years, has also worked as The NET Manager and as NET Control Operator in two different counties in Northwest, Alabama on countless occasions. As a matter of fact, Bobby was the NET Control Operator, for his local Alabama county ARES group's SKYWARN Emergency Weather NET on April 27, 2011, the day of all the killer tornadoes!!! He's also worked as Amateur Radio Control Officer at The Birmingham Office of The National Weather Service, at The American Red Cross in Jasper, Alabama, The Walker County, Alabama EMA office, Lakeland Community Hospital, and other locations similar to those... As a member of SKYWARN and ARES Bobby has taken many CERT Classes, Emergency Communications Classes, and Classes, offered through The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA, that deal with disasters...

Finally, Bobby's family and personal life includes; he comes from a very small family. His Dad, who passed away in 2007, in addition to supporting him 100% in his broadcasting career, was also his best friend! The loss of his Dad was sudden and very unexpected and it hit him HARD!!! Presently, he's left with his Mother, a Sister and Brother-in-law, and two very extra special kids, his Niece and Nephew, who he hopes will become interested in Amateur Radio!!! His Nephew is showing possible signs of just that... Additionally, Bobby's Girlfriend; Lynn who he's known and been in an on-again/off-again relationship for almost 25 years, came back into his life over 5 years ago, after being out of it for a number of years... Today, it's a "complicated" relationship, but a strong one, and obviously one that can stand the test of time, without a doubt!!!!!

More recently, while recovering from a limb threating illness, the result of a severe injury, that required several long term hospital stays, along with 3 surgeries, and 2 stays in a private, skilled nursing and rehab facility, he used his down time to add to his education. 

In recent years, several universities, with large Geoscience and Meteorology Departments, have started offering to college grads with a degree in another field , the opportunity to obtain a degree in one of three divisions of the Meteorology field. Already being an almost 30 year veteran of commercial broadcasting, plus his B.S. in Psychology, the degree of Broadcast Meteorologist was a natural choice for Bobby. With the above in mind, Bobby has obtained his Broadcast Meteorology degree recently (2016) and effective July 1, 2016 he'll be taking the position of Chief Meteorologist at "The Weather Radio Network", that offers daily weather forecast for radio stations all over the country... Additionally, he plans to test for his AMS Certified Seal and NWA Seal soon as well....

In addition to now being a degreed Broadcast Meteorologist, as well as an Amateur Radio Operator, during times of severe weather, when other Hams with SKYWARN or NWS training are out in the field passing "ground truth" reports to The National Weather Service, being a licensed Amateur Radio Operator allows Bobby the legal ability to communicate back and forth with them on Ham frequencies and pass their info along to his listeners on commercial radio, sometimes even faster than The NWS can get it out to the public! It's all about saving lives and anything or anyway he can do that, he will!!! Remember, when all else fails, there's Amateur Radio!!!

Callsign  WX4ALA

Caryn Eve Murray - KD2GUT

Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, was welcomed onto the Amateur Radio Newsline team in the summer of 2015 with the blessing of Bill Pasternak shortly before his passing. She is a print journalist who never gave up on radio. It took her more than half a lifetime to finally get that entry-level ticket (she’d studied for, but never took, the Novice exam at age 12). A few weeks after becoming a Technician in the summer of 2014 she upgraded to General and went binge-buying for a modest but respectable starter ham shack. (The binge-buying continues). Her newspaper career began in New York’s Hudson Valley shortly following a very brief, but highly amusing, stint as a radio advertising copywriter/producer for a small market station in suburban Long Island, N.Y.  She later moved to New York City for the then-new urban upstart daily, New York Newsday, covering city and state politics and small business, and other local stories. When the paper was shut by the Times-Mirror Corp. in 1995, she transferred to Newsday’s Long Island edition, eventually becoming a Sunday feature columnist before moving over to the news desk, where she now edits copy for the daily paper and as well as its website.

A member of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, she is also one of the editors for its monthly newsletter, The Compass, which carries her column, “Inside the Squirrel Cage.”

Ah yes, about those squirrels: Caryn has been a New York State licensed wildlife rehabilitator since 1996, and you can guess which animal she specializes in. She and her husband, Rod Eyer, a graphic designer, also share their home with Ziggy, a rescued Shih-Tzu, and a few miles down the road, Caryn spends some of the best parts of her day with Grigio, her handsome dapple-gray quarter horse.

Her lifelong association with animals has landed her the distinctive status of being a vegetarian ham.

Callsign KD2GUT

Timothy "Skeeter Nash" Goodrich - N5ASH

Anchor Desk, Reporter


"Today I Am a Ham"

That was the title of the little paperback book (written by Ethelyn M. Parkinson) I bought in one of my Scholastic Book orders in early-1973. I was 12 going on 13, and had been in love with radio--in all its forms--since I could remember. I was born in Fresno, California and grew up in the great San Joaquin Valley.



It took 37 years, but I finally got my Technician ticket (and original call sign KF5JCT) on 29 Nov. 2010. I applied for (and got) vanity call sign N5ASH on 8 Feb. 2011 (see below for the story behind "N5ASH"). Upgraded to General class at the Lawrence County (Arkansas) Amateur Radio Club's annual WinterFest in Hoxie, AR on 19 Feb. 2011!

As soon as I was licensed, I joined the Northeast Arkansas Radio Club, and with barely 2 months as a member under my belt, the members elected me to be President of the club for the 2011 year, and I was re-elected for 2012. I also became a member of RESPOND of Arkansas club, our local RACES group, and the ARRL. Due to relocating to Texas, I had to resign from office in the NEARC at the end of June, 2012. But the many friendships I made while a member will be treasured for the rest of my life!

I've been a broadcast radio personality for 30+ years, and beginning in September of 2003, worked under the "air name" Skeeter Nash (hence, the N5ASH vanity call!).From September 1, 2003 until June 21, 2012, I was the afternoon drive personality on Country-formatted KDXY-FM (104.9 The Fox), as well as voice-tracking the 7pm-midnight show on our Classic Hits sister station, KEGI-FM (100.5 The Eagle). I also became Program Director for KDXY-HD3 (True Oldies 92.7).


In September of 2014, I relocated to Kansas, and am working on the air in Morning Drive (weekdays 5:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Central time) on KTPK-FM Country Legends 106.9 in Topeka. I am also the station's Program Director. Due to a competing station owned by Cumulus Media in the market billing itself as "Nash," I have (reluctantly) dropped the "Nash" from my on-air moniker, and am therefore simply "Skeeter" to my listeners in northeast Kansas. At this time, however, I have no plans to change my vanity call sign from N5ASH!


My bride Geri (aka "Sweetie Nash") and I were married in Nashville, TN on 2 Feb. 2001. She has her Technician ticket, and her call sign is KF5KRN.


I've also been a performing musician (drums, vocals) for more than 30 years, and have dabbled some in songwriting as well. I've lived in Bakersfield, CA (where I worked at a radio station owned by the late, great Buck Owens), Nashville, TN (where I worked at WSIX-FM and WSM-AM, home of the Grand Ole Opry), before coming to Jonesboro, Arkansas where I lived for almost nine years.


I enjoy chatting with my fellow local hams on the local repeaters and simplex frequencies. I have also been exploring the world of HF since getting my General upgrade. I am working toward getting my WAS certificates on the Old Man International Sideband Society OMISS Net. I also enjoy checking into the Old Freewheelers Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (OFARTS) and the Tailgaters on 3.916 MHz.


Recently, I have been able to combine my love of amateur radio and my years of on-air experience on broadcast radio by contributing--as a reporter and occasional anchor--to the Amateur Radio Newsline reports. Check out this video I produced, showing how I put together a typical Newsline anchor audio track:

This video was featured in the November 6, 2013 episode of Ham Nation on

Kevin Trotman - N5PRE

Newsdesk, Website

Born and raised in Texas (explaining the callsign), Kevin is currently living in Aiken, SCUSA

Callsign History:

Oct. 10, 1989 - KB5KSZ - Novice
July 3, 1990 - N5PRE - Tech Plus
Jan. 10, 2009 - N5PRE - General
March 21, 2009 - N5PRE - Extra

Although he probably didn't realize it, a Longview Texas (now silent key) operator, W5HDK, Ben F. Relf had a signifigant role in elmering me. I worked at a grocery store in Longview in the mid 1970's and Ben's wife shopped at the Brookshires store where I was a sacker. One day, I took her groceries out to her car and noticed the big antenna and ham radio license plate. She suggested I should come out to the lake house some time and visit her husband at his shack. I did.  Ben had an amazing QSL card collection and a very nice radio room. I was amazed at the contacts he had made with cards filling at least a few dozen card catalog file drawers. It made an impact. I eventually got with it and obtained my license over a decade later, but I will always remember Ben helping spark the interest.

Now, I occasionally work 2m or 440. Still active in SWL and listening to commercial stations on Internet. I also enjoy 40 meters using an ICOM IC-7300 with a 40m inverted V about 30 feet high in a pine tree.

Since sometime in 2009, I have been posting the weekly Amateur Radio NewslineTM newscasts as a podcast available on iTunes. In February, 2012, I was instrumental in assisting a move from the old Amateur Radio NewslineTM website to a new one hosted by a different provider. I continue to assist with web related content and postings each week. You can find Amateur Radio NewslineTM at

Some have said I have a talent and definitely have a passion for photography. You can find some of my better work

Other places you can find me on the web include:

Contact Me 


Callsign: N5PRE


Don Wilbanks - AE5DW

Anchor Desk

Don Wilbanks, AE5DW is a native of Shawnee Oklahoma. He was first licensed in 1995 as a no-code Tech and currently holds an Amateur Extra class ticket.

Don is a member of the ARRL and the Pearl River County (Mississippi) ARC. Don is a 2-term past-president of the Westside Amateur Radio Club, the oldest continuously operating ham club in the New Orleans, Louisiana area. Don is a reporter and anchor for Amateur Radio Newsline and an ARRL Volunteer Examiner.

Radio has been a major part of Don's life. In 1970, at the age of 10, he informed his parents that he would one day be the voice coming out of the speaker. At 15 he began studying for his ham license, but girls and cars soon became more alluring than Morse Code and theory. It was 20 years later that he finally became a ham. Don was swept up by the CB craze in the early '70s and right out of high school he got his first broadcasting job at the hometown AM station, 1450 KGFF. From there it was off to Oklahoma City and 50,000 watt 1520 KOMA’s overnight shift on that massive AM signal heard literally around the world, then as the afternoon jock on 640 WWLS in Norman, OK. He then found his way to New Orleans and various radio jobs at WQUE AM & FM, WRNO FM (simulcast with WRNO Worldwide shortwave), WNOE AM & FM, WEZB B-97 FM, WLTS FM and then to mornings as a member of the KOOL Wake Up Club at oldies WTKL Kool 95.7 FM. Don was also a traffic reporter for several New Orleans radio and television stations with MetroScan Traffic Network and, following Hurricane Katrina, Production Director for the four Clear Channel owned radio stations in Biloxi, Mississippi. While Production Director at WLTS/WTKL Don produced two Addy Award winning radio commercials. Currently Don is one half of the 2-person production department at the 7 station Clear Channel New Orleans cluster and does freelance voiceover and radio production from his home studio.

In between radio jobs Don wandered down various career paths including retail pipe and tobacco store management and completed training as an Emergency Medical Technician.

Married to Dawn since 1984, they adopted their son, Tyler Michael, who was born January 20, 2000. "T" keeps Mom and Dad very busy. The family also includes Amelia, a female Miniature Schnauzer and Ted, a male Shih Tzu/Chihuahua mix.

In his spare time Don likes to read and surf the internet. He also enjoys the occasional cigar, car shows, showing and driving the wheels off of his 1978 Trans Am “Smokey & the Bandit” musclecar and the family Jeep, travel and the outdoors. The family lived in Chalmette, Louisiana until Hurricane Katrina. Chalmette is a suburb of New Orleans located in St. Bernard Parish just 10 miles from the Mercedes Benz Superdome. St. Bernard Parish was one of the hardest hit areas. Every structure in the parish (county) was flooded with anywhere from a few inches to 20 feet of water. The family home was flooded with nearly 4 feet of water and crude oil from a refinery spill. They have permanently relocated to the family acreage in Picayune, Mississippi. They share the 10 acre property with Dawn's parents, her brother and his family, her uncle (KB5TQG), aunt and their family. It has become quite the family compound with more in-laws living on the adjacent 10 acre property, again all Katrina survivors.




Fred Vobbe - W8HDU

Anchor Desk, Reporter

The DX Audio Service's Publisher and Editor is Fred Vobbe, W8HDU. Fred is a 25+ veteran in broadcasting, and has won numerous awards in the broadcasting and electronics field. He is the executive producer and editor for the DX Audio Service, and produces the DX Audio Service in the studios of Vobbe Communications. Vobbe Communications provides programming services to radio and television stations around the world. The company specializes in automated programming featuring adult contemporary and oldies programming. Fred's company also provides services such as voice mail, on telephone on hold programming, and corporate presentations. The original old studio in 1977 consisted of cart machines, reel to reel tape in 2-track and 4-track format, cassette formats. The new studio facilities are all digital, using computerized audio workstation editors, multitrack sound systems, digital networking, and studio interconnection devices. Fred is a Vice President and Chief Engineer for WLIO Television, an NBC television affiliate in Lima, Ohio. WLIO is the Number One most watched station in the United States. Be sure to visit their web page at WWW.WLIO.COM and check out Fred's Engineering Office. Fred is also an Assistant Director of the Allen County E.M.A. office, specializing in communications. In his radio career, he has enjoyed working with large multi-directional AM antenna arrays, like WLQV-1500 in Detroit, MI, which was nine towers with 50kW day, and twelve towers with 5kW night. Early in his career, he worked at WTUU in Toledo, which had a six tower array north of Toledo for daytime broadcasts, and six tower array south of Toledo for nighttime broadcasts. Fred also worked at WHND-560 / WMJC-94.7 in Detroit as an engineer. Before engineering, Fred worked in radio as an announcer at several medium market and large market stations in Eau Claire WI, Lapeer MI, Detroit MI, Toledo OH, San Diego CA, San Francisco CA., and with the William B. Tanner Company, which produced jingles, commercials, and production music for broadcast stations. Fred and Phil Wayne also collect Airchecks of radio stations, jingles, and popular Adult Contemporary and Oldies music. One of Fred's other hobbies is collecting music of Top Pop from the years 1954 to present. Fred is an active amateur radio operator, W8HDU, and trustee of the 443.625+, 145.370-, and 53.630- repeaters in Lima (pl-100), and operates on the HF bands in the CW mode. "I enjoy working on high power RF", said Fred, showing off an RCA BTA-1R3 which he rebuilt to new condition as a summer project. You can send E-Mail to Fred, regular mail to 706 Mackenzie Drive, Lima OH 45805-1835 USA

Callsign W8HDU

Bruce Tennant - K6PZW


Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, is part of the Los Angeles based Amateur Radio Newsline staff. In addition to reporting for us, he also volunteers his time to work in the Queen Mary Wireless Room every third Saturday from 0800 to 1200 Pacific Time (1600-2000 UTC). (Monitor 50.125 SSB and 144.200 SSB on those occasions. Echolink connections also available during QM shifts; E-mail him for specific contact arrangements).

Callsign K6PZW

Robert Sudock - WB6FDF

Anchor Desk

Los Angeles-based Robert Sudock, WB6FDF, has been sharing the anchor desk at the Amateur Radio Newsline since June, 1983. But the relationship with Newsline's founder, executive editor and producer Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF existed for nearly ten years before that. Pasternak, then WA2HVK, had recently moved west and was one of newly-licensed Sudock's first QSOs. The friendship of three decades endures.

From 1974 to 1976 Sudock edited and reported the MWRA News. This QST aired weekly as a service of the Mt. Wilson Repeater Association's VHF repeater. Mt. Wilson, at 5,700 feet, is the home of most of Los Angeles' television stations and the principal location for many of L.A.'s FM transmitters. The site provided wonderfully broad coverage to most of Southern California. MWRA News was heard from Santa Barbara on the north to San Diego and the Mexican border to the south.

"In those days, we relied on the Amateur Radio printed press for much of the hard news we included in our newscasts. Joe Schraeder's (W9JUV) "HR Report", Wayne Green's (W2NSD) "73 Hot Line" and, of course bulletins from the ARRL, were our major sources of information," Sudock said. "Unlike Newsline, MWRA News was a regional service, so we always included submissions of regional club activities."

"Newsline has taken the QST format to a professional level. In comparison, MWRA was downright primitive. Newsline strives to provide its listeners with the quality they expect from a broadcast network in both editorial and production terms. Newsline's reporters throughout the world regularly enterprise and submit completely produced packages. As you'll see on these pages, many of our reporters and anchors are broadcast professionals who are also Hams. Newsline also forged news exchange alliances with Amateur news services around the globe. I'm very excited about this as we now receive international material customized for Newsline," Sudock said.

As a result of this alliance Sudock was asked to co-substitute anchor the March 12, 2000 edition of "Q-News" from The Wireless Institute of Australia - Queensland Division while producer-anchor Graham Kemp, VK4BB, took a short vacation. "I guess I could best sum up my Ham activities not so much as 'in QSO with' but more as 'in QST,' Sudock concluded.

Sudock has been involved in the Los Angeles area broadcast and production industry since 1965. He has been heard both on-air on local FM stations and in voice overs for a number of industrial productions.   He was a member of the broadcast frequency coordination group formed by ABC, host broadcaster for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. Since 1988 continues to serve as a board member of the Southern California Frequency Coordinating Committee, Inc., the recognized Part 74 coordinator in metropolitan Los Angeles.  In 1983 Sudock joined KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles as an engineering manager. He retired from the company in 2009 as Assistant Director of Engineering.

Bob Heil (K9EID) began a Ham Radio-oriented webcast on It originates live each Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. Amateur Radio Newsline was asked to contribute.  Sudock writes, produces and hosts the five minute segment



Callsign WB6FDF

Tuck Miller - NF9T


Tuck Miller, NZ6T, got into ham radio in August of 1991. Wasting little time, he became active with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), where he held both an Assistant DEC position, and then became the District Emergency Coordinator for San Diego’s Southern District. Tuck also accepted the positions of Affiliated Club Coordinator, Public Information Coordinator, and Official Observer Coordinator. In 1996, Tuck was appointed to the ARRL WRC99 committee, which proposed new, changes to the Amateur Radio Structure. He was asked to become Assistant Section Manager under the tenure of Pat Bunsold, WA6MHZ. He was the elected Section Manager in April 1998, and re-elected in April 2000. Tuck has been President of the Southbay Amateur Radio Society (SOBARS) since 1997, and also for the Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon for the years, 1996, 1997, and now for the year 2000. Tuck was a Danville, Illinois firefighter before coming to San Diego, where he is now a Train Operator for the San Diego Trolley. He gained a bit of broadcast experience, while serving aboard the USS John F. Kennedy, where he was a DJ for the ships radio station. Also included was a short stint with a Danville radio station as a new reporter. Tuck is married to Evelyn, N6EVE, has 2 daughters, and 2 grandsons. He also held Amateur calls KC6ZEC, K6ZEC,NZ6T, and W3TM. Enjoys Euchre.

Callsign NZ6T

Brian Mileshosky - N5ZGT

YHOTY Committee - Member

Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT has always been active somewhere from 80 meters through 10-GHz, involved in many activities including DXing, contesting, transmitter hunting (radio direction finding), and more. I am a life member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), and proudly serve its members as Director of the Rocky Mountain Division ( which is composed of the Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming sections. I'm also an active member of the Albuquerque DX Association, and trustee of Sandia National Laboratories Amateur Radio Club W5MPZ, first chartered in 1947.

Past involvement includes: Board member and officer of the Upper Rio FM Society; board member of the Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club; board member of the Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest; chairman of the 2011 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Taos, New Mexico; founder of the New Mexico Packet Radio Society which existed when packet was in its heyday; staff of the first amateur radio direction finding (ARDF) Championships in the United States (2001); staff of K2BSA at the 2001 National Scout Jamboree; and station manager/coordinator of K2BSA at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree.

I was first licensed in 1992 when I was 12 years old, and ham radio is, without any doubt, just as fun now as it was then. See you on the air!


Callsign N5ZGT

Jim Meachen - ZL2BHF

Reporter, Anchor Desk


Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF was first licensed in 1967. Jim is active on HF, VHF and UHF. A member of Upper Hutt Branch 63 of NZART since joining as a schoolboy in 1967, he served on the Branch Executive continuously from 1967-79. In 1972-74 he was Branch Secretary and in 1975-76 was Branch President. Jim is a Life Member of the Upper Hutt Branch.

Jim was the Upper Hutt AREC Section Leader during 1973-80. He was sub-editor of the AREC Column in Break-In from 1974-90 and was appointed Deputy to the OC AREC in February 1980, an office held until 1989. In 1980-92 he was AREC Secretary.
A member of NZART Council 1977-85 and again 1989-92, was elected by Council in 1991 to be the Vice-President. In April 1992 he became the Association’s President upon the resignation of the then President. Jim was the NZART President for five years to 1997.
Jim was involved with the establishment of the former Astral Towers premises of NZART HQ in Upper Hutt and was Chairman of the Headquarters Secretarial Committee 1982-92. He was made an Honorary Life Member of NZART in June 2000. He is the Editor /Presenter of the Association’s Official News Broadcast a role he has held and enjoyed for over 25 years. Jim was the founder Editor of NZART’s two weekly bulletins, HQ-Info-Line.
On leaving school in 1970, Jim joined the then NZBC and spent 10 years in the technical areas of television, then followed 15 years in Television Operations Management plus a further 15 years in TVNZ MCR Operations.
Now some 40+ years later, Jim has semi-retired and resides in Nelson the Sunshine Capital of New Zealand on NZ’s South Island.


Callsign ZL2BHF

Graham Kemp - VK4BB

WIA News - Australia

Born at an early age, luckily his Parents knew his name straight away, and a very hygienic baby... sucked his thumb through a straw. The first known recording of Graham's voice exists hidden somewhere in his archives, recorded on his 2nd birthday on an 12 inch acetate disc .. a bit of a feat back in 1947. Radio.. both in front and behind the microphone has coursed through his veins all these years. Currently Program / Commercial Production Manager of the AM-FM 4TAB network he has worked as an announcer, manager, technician, in Brisbane commercial broadcasting since the early (very) 60's. Several years out in the mid 60's to partake in an all expenses paid trip to "the green". South Viet-Nam as a telecommunications technician with 101 Field Workshops and also commenced " Radio DJ Vietnam a low powered "un licensed" station relaying tapes sent over from commercial stations around Australia. A Past President of Brisbane Mid City Rotary Graham was awarded one of Rotary's highest honours, a Paul Harris Fellowship, some 3 years ago for his community work and the work in setting up the ROAR ( Rotarians of Amateur Radio) packet radio system which now links close on 100 active hams. He was also presented with the WIAQ Merit badge (#49) and Certificate at the 1998 Wireless Institute of Australia Queensland AGM for his work in setting up QNEWS. QNEWS being the audio and digital news service of the VK4 Division. Graham has 2 Adult Children is married to Sharon, and lives on a 5 acre "antenna farm" at Jimboomba... QG62me.

Callsign VK4BB

Hap Holly - KC9RP

Special Projects

Hap Holly, KC9RP, founder, guiding light and moderator of the weekly amateur radio audio feature magazine known as RAIN - the Radio Amateur Information Network. From his home studio/ham shack in suburban Chicago, Hap produces his 12 to 17 minute weekly amateur radio program service, featuring timely interviews, thought-provoking commentaries from other hams, excerpts from Dayton Hamvention Forums and other items ofgeneral interest to the amateur community at large. Ham radio istraditionally an aural - as opposed to a visual - medium; we meet and recognize fellow hams primarily by voice, seldom seeing them in person. RAIN programming is also an aural medium, distributed to hundreds of repeaters across the country via the RAIN dial-up line, commercial satellite,(discontinued) Hap's subscription service on audio tape and on WA0RCR's weekly 160 meter informational broadcasts. Those repeater groups and others then replay the weekly RAIN tapes over their local repeater systems on their regular "net night" gatherings, permitting thousands of hams to hear Hap's offerings for that particular week. It's all done with volunteer help and - in the best of amateur traditions - without profit to anyone involved. Hap Holly makes it happen; he's an uncommonly intelligent and outgoing individual. Hap is also very aurally oriented and insists on quality in every way in his RAIN programming. He conducts most of the interviews, edits and engineers all of the program material, writes the scripts, duplicates and mails out the RAIN cassettes and archives and catalogs the RAIN library. It's all accomplished by touch and by ear...Hap is one of a number of non-sighted amateurs within our ranks, but you'd never know it. For Hap, blindness happened literally overnight...when he was only 7. Problems with his vision began when he was 4, but then he awoke one morning totally blind. The condition is untreatable, at least within current medical terms, but to Hap, it hasn't been a handicap. In fact, in talking to him over the years, most of his friends tend to forget his unusual challenges, because he does so much of what we all do, without mention of his visual impairment. Both of Hap's parents were blind, his father's resulting from a football accident in college and his mother's when she was around the age of 12. His father, nonetheless, was a successful building contractor and architect, formulating the plans he devised within his "mind's eye", then describing the details precisely to his secretary, who constructed balsa wood models. Then only by touch, Hap's dad would go over the "3-dimensional plans", incorporating additions or changes as needed. Hap's father was also a long time columnist for the Christian Science Monitor and was known world-wide for his "Ask a Builder" column, which he wrote from 1965 until his passing in 1984. He was a touch typist - as is Hap - and was able to generate his column by that method alone (before the days of computers, word processors and voice synthesizers). In 1988, a 420-page book was written about Hap's mother, depicting her struggle for independence from her New England industrialist father, her marriage to Hap's dad and the eventual challenges that two sightless parents encountered raising four sighted children - then Hap too became blind. That book, entitled "What Love Sees" and is being made into a made-for-TV movie this year, which will be shown on the CBS television network when completed.It will star Richard Thomas of the original "Walton's" series and Anna Beth Gish who played Pat Nixon in the widely acclaimed motion picture "Nixon" which also starred Anthony Hopkins. The TV movie, which is also entitled "What Love Sees", primarily takes place in the small southern California ranching town of Ramona (where much of it will be filmed) and reportedly will follow the Holly household up until shortly after the time that Hap's sight was lost, and the family was forced to move to a larger city - Escondido - to seek specialized educational opportunities for their youngest son. Be sure to watch for it this fall on television.( The movie aired in Sept., 1996 and again in June, 1999 on CBS; Lifetime aired it in Sept., 1999.) Hap's ham career began when he earned his Novice ticket in 1965, at the age of 14, receiving the call sign WN6UJH, while living in Escondido. He became a General - dropping the "N" in his call - a year later in 1966 and served as a phone-patch station and net control for the Westcars traffic net until 1970. Hap then headed off to Principia College in Elsah, Illinois and from 1970 to graduation in 1974, ran phone patches and kept radio schedules for his fellow students. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, and soon found himself in the Chicago area, where he sought out world-class jazz accordionist Leon Sash, to pursue his other love, music. A year later, another love, Stephanie, became the center of Hap's attention and the two were married in August of 1976 after meeting the previous summer at the Roundup Ranch in Buena Vista, Colorado, where Hap was a counselor. Hap taught a class in non-visual perception to the high school campers at the ranch, all of whom were sighted, but who learned to "see" in yet another way ...with Hap's patient guidance. Hap's wife, Stephanie - who is also sighted - received her ham ticket in 1986 and the call KA9WKD, after realizing how much ham radio, and the good it was able to accomplish, meant to Hap. In 1977, Hap picked up the "9-land" call of WD9GJQ and he and Stephanie moved into their comfortable home in Des Plaines, Illinois where he resumed his phone-patching and DXing activities with his now permanent antenna and station set-up. In 1981, Hap passed his Advanced class license exam and changed calls once more, this time to his current KC9RP call sign. Hap served as ham radio informational programming guru for the BEAR, the Broadcast Employees Amateur Repeater in suburban Chicago, from 1984 to 1989. Hap's weekly "net nights" became something of a legend in the Chicago area, sometimes attracting in excess of 100 check-ins, via simulcasts on five area repeaters. This stint led to Hap's forming RAIN - the Radio Amateur Information Network - and the weekly RAINReport dial-up, and the bi-monthly RAIN Journal tape (produced especially for the blind amateur). According to Hap, "My inspiration for producing weekly ham radio programming resulted from my 'need to know' . I faithfully listened to the weekly Newsline (formerly WestLink Radio) reports in the early 1980's on my local repeater. I owe a great deal of gratitude to Newsline's founder and producer, Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF for his encouragement and direction. RAIN is truly an offspring of Newsline. In recent years, Hap has written for Spec-Com Journal, Radio Scan Magazine and occasionally reports for Newsline but with a human interest focus, as opposed to a news-only approach As mentioned before, Hap's RAIN programming can now be heard on hundreds of ham repeaters across the nation,by telephone, (847) 827-RAIN. (and here on Jackson, WA0RCR continues to carry the RAIN Report on his 160 meter Gateway Radio News letter AM bulletin service from Wentzville, Missouri on 1.860Mhz, Saturday afternoon/evening. Hap is a common sight at the yearly Dayton Hamvention, taping a number of the forums with the help and cooperation of the Hamvention organizers. these forums are then incorporated throughout the year in Hap's RAINReports,making Dayton come alive for those of us who may not be able to attend personally. Hap is active on HF, VHF and The Internet, using both a Pc equipted with the JAWS speech screen reader program. He will be retiring his Versa-Braille II Plus terminal, which allows an accomplished Braille reader like Hap to access his Internet E-Mail with nearly the speed of a sighted user. He hopes to be mastering all RAIN audio digitally by summer. As a professional keyboardist, Hap's diverse repertoire of American music from the past 60 years has made him a popular choice in the Chicago area.Since 1975 Hap has been an active and honored member of theDes Plaines Lions Club and received the prestigious international Melvin Jones Fellowship plaque for his service to humanity. As a member of the Des Plaines Toastmasters since 1976, Hap has served as its president a number of times, and has twice served as an area governor. He and Stephanie are currently active with Des Plaines EMA. For Hap Holly, blindness has never been a disability, only a challenge that has served to "fine-tune" his other senses. If you have a friend or relative with a serious handicap or disability, and you've felt that amateur radio would be a worthwhile hobby for them to pursue, perhaps Hap's extra-ordinary story might be just the inspiration they would need to take the plunge. Hap would disagree with my choice of terms (extra-ordinary) since he considers his accomplishments no more than the expected effort required to achieve anything worthwhile...but then that's the sign of extra-ordinary people isn't it? Hap's RAIN Dialup can be accessedby calling: 1-847-827-RAIN (7246).




Burt Hicks - WB6MQV

Anchor Desk, Reporter

Burt Hicks began his broadcast career with Armed Forces Radio and Television. While stationed on Guam he had his own daly program as well as preparing and presenting news reports for the station. After returning stateside and leaving the military, he transfered his interests to the technical side of broadcasting, serving as a maintenance engineer, television cameraman. For the past decade as a technical Director with KTTV Fox 11 in Los Angeles.

Callsign WB6MQV

Frank Haas - KB4T

Anchor Desk, Reporter

Age 61/Ham nearly 47 yrs since age 14 - Born in NJ. FL resident since 1967.
Still working: RF Voice & Data Comm Systems Tech & Interference Investigator for large FL electric utility. Active on SSB/ESSB. Devoted to traditional CW sending methods.

Licensed since April 1965, I enjoy CW ragchewing and experimenting with High Fidelity SSB (some call it Enhanced SSB.)

I'm either ragchewing on 40M SSB (7150 +/- 20 kHz) or lurking the around the higher end of the CW subband on 40, 80 & 20 meters after 10 PM Eastern time any night of the week. I'm always looking for a good ragchew. I enjoy using bugs and straight keys. If lucky enough to get into a High Speed CW QSO (30-45 WPM) either a bug, electronic keyer or CW keyboard (or all three!!!) will be used.

As an RF Tech, I like to talk TECHAs an Interference Investigator, I'm happy to answer your questions about POWER LINE INTERFERENCE and other forms of RFI.

There are few things in life that are more satisfying than getting to know the operator at the other end of the QSO and creating a new friend in Ham Radio.

Since 2009, I've been a newsreader and occasional anchor for the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE. Please support AR NEWSLINE by making a donation to this valuable ham radio news service at Listen to the program each week for the latest news in Ham Radio.

Since February 2006, I've been active in the Straight Key Century Club ( and have expanded my collection of straight keys and bugs. One of the great pleasures of hamming for me is mastering these machines. My goal is to send code on a straight key that is as close to perfect as I can make it. I hope to be able to send nearly perfect CW on a bug at 35 to 40 WPM. I have a long way to go!

Another favorite aspect of the hobby is Mobile & Portable HF Operation. Getting out of the house, promoting ham radio and just having fun is what it's all about.

I travel around northeast Florida in my work van equipped with HF. I especially enjoy Mobile HF CW. My work brings me into contact with many hams in the region. Some of my best encounters have been with Hams for whom I have been able to resolve serious power line interference issues.

Radio has been and always will be my passion. Other interests include recumbent tricycling (mostly on paved trails) and aviation. I'm an Instrument rated Private Pilot but don't fly much anymore.

Home Rig: Flex Radio Systems Flex 5000A (E/SSB) or Icom IC-756ProIII (CW) or Icom IC-756ProII (Digital), Alpha 78 Amp (1500W), DXBlaster 40M Cage Antenna at 35 feet or PalStar BT1500A Balanced L Tuner & Ladder Line-fed Full Wave 80 Meter Loop Antenna (Rectangle shaped & height averages 30 feet.)

HF Rig Audio Rack includes: RE-27ND microphone, Symetrix 528e Voice Processor, TC Electronic DBMAX 5 band Level Maximizer/EQ/Limiter, Lexicon MPX550 Reverb. Output of the rack is fed directly to the Balanced Line input of the Flex or via a W2IHY iBox to the Balanced Modulator Direct Input on the rear of the Icom IC-756ProIII (when the Flex is offline.)

I use Ham Radio Deluxe for logging and basic rig control. For digital modes, I use a variety of programs but MIXW is my favorite.

Mobile Rig: IC7000, 100W HF, Hi-Q 4/80 screwdriver style antenna on 2004 Ford E250 Van. Operate Mobile HF CW almost exclusively using the Palm Radio Code Cube Keyer with integrated Mini-Paddle.

Ham Radio has provided so many satisfying moments in my life that I could never repay the debt I owe to this avocation. The world of joy, good friends, public service and technical involvement cannot be matched by any other pursuit.

My thanks to the many hams who have made the last 46 years so much fun!


Frank N. Haas KB4T

ARRL Life Member -- more than 45 Years

A1-Operator, Rag Chewers Club

Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Assn, Life Member


FISTS 10283


Flying Pigs 881

Adventure Radio Society 1862

SOC 706

QSONet (Ask me about this!!!)

Hamsphere (Ask me about this!!!)

AR Newsline Reader & Occasional Anchor

Callsign KB4T 